23 Interesting facts about chimpanzees

Interesting facts about chimpanzees, hominid species of apes native to Africa. There has been hairless chimps, Chimpanzees are not monkeys

1- Chimpanzees have an odd way of walking because they do it on the knuckles of their hands.

2 – Although chimpanzees are primarily quadrupeds they walk on four legs, they can walk on two legs for some moments.

3 – The average life expectancy of chimpanzees is 31.7 years for males, and 38.7 years for females. However, they can live between 40 and 60 years, and even more.

4 – all chimpanzees are native to central and western Africa

5 – Chimpanzees share about 98 percent of their DNA with humans; this makes them our closest relatives alive

6 – Chimpanzees are omnivorous. They eat mostly fruits (and not just bananas!), but they can eat leaves, stems, and meat from small animals.

7 – Chimpanzees live in large communities, sometimes more than 100 individuals.

8 – An alpha male dominates a community of common chimpanzees, who is the one who has the right to mate with females in heat.

9 – Chimpanzees are not monkeys because they have no tail. They are part of the group of great apes.

10 – Chimpanzees have few predators, but some of these are leopards, lions, and pythons.

11 – Both species of chimpanzee are in danger of extinction.

12 – Chimpanzees are one of the few animals that can use tools to solve some problems.

13 – Chimpanzees do not like to get wet, and they cannot swim. That’s why bonobos and common chimpanzees do not cross the Congo River.

14 – Chimpanzees sleep in the trees, on nests built with branches and leaves.

15 – The Chimpanzee uses a combination of verbal and non verbal communication with each other. They produce more than 30 different vocalizations.

16 – Many experts believe that humans and Chimpanzees split from each other approximately 6 million years ago.

17 – The habitat for the Chimpanzee is one that is very diverse. They are very adaptable to a variety of environments.

18 – Reproduction often begins for the Chimpanzee when they are about 10 years old.

19 – Chimpanzees sometimes hunt and eat small mammals such as bush buck or monkeys.

20 – After humans, chimpanzees are the most intelligent of our planet’s primates

21 – Females generally give birth to a single chimp (or occasionally twins) every five to six years. For the first six months, the baby chimpanzee clings to the fur on its mother’s belly, and then later rides around on her back until the age of two.

22 – Chimps are 4 times more muscular than humans

23 – There has been hairless chimps who all suffer from the hair-loss condition alopecia


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