7 Interesting facts about Mars – If you’re researching about Mars start here !!!

Interesting facts about Mars

1. You’d feel lighter on Mars

7 Interesting facts about MarsIf humans ever set foot on Mars they would feel much lighter. The Red Planet is smaller than Earth and has less surface gravity than the planet we call home. On Mars you’d experience 62.5% less gravity than you’re used to on Earth, so if you weighed 100 lbs on Earth, you would weigh only 38 lbs on Mars.

2. Humans on Mars

Nasa is planning to create an ‘Earth Independent’ Mars colony by the 2030s.

“Like the Apollo programme, we embark on this journey for all humanity,” say Nasa. “Unlike Apollo, we will be going to stay.

“In the next few decades, Nasa will take steps toward establishing a human presence beyond Earth.

3. Water on Mars

In September, scientists found evidence of briny water flowing on Mars during summertime on the Red Planet.

4. Mars has the largest mountain in the whole solar system

Our neighbouring planet’s Olympus Mons is a shield volcano that is three times the height of Mount Everest. It has a height of nearly 22km and a diameter of 600km. It nearly occupies the same amount of area as mainland France, while scientists believe it may be still be active.

5. A year on Mars

A Martian year is the equivalent of 687 Earth days while a day on Mars only lasts 40 minutes more than one on Earth

6. Ice age

Mars is emerging from an ice age that ended 400,000 years ago, radar images have shown.

7. Hints of life

In 2014, the Curiosity Rover discovered ‘burps’ of methane, which Nasa scientists said at the time could indicate “life or evidence of ancient methane trapped which could show ancient life”.
