History, Facts and Stories from the past to learn from

History, Facts and Stories from the past

Learn How Electricity is Made

Learn How Electricity is Made with Educational Video

Learn How Electricity is Made Electricity is one of our most frequently used gifts from nature. Learning how to manipulate and use this natural element has dramatically changed our everyday lifestyles in countless ways. Electricity is one of our most basic of elements that’s always been present on our planet. It wasn’t until the late… read more »


The Battle-Axe

The sacking of Rome
Before approaching the city, the Vandals knocked down all of the city’s aqueducts. At the sight of the approaching Vandals, Maximus and his soldiers tried to flee the city but he was spotted and killed by a Roman mob outside the city, possibly together with his son Palladius. Upon the Vandal arrival, according to the chronicler Prosper of Aquitaine, Pope Leo I requested that Geiseric not destroy the ancient city nor murder its inhabitants. Geiseric agreed and the gates of Rome were thrown open to him and his men.

While Geiseric kept his promise not to burn the city and slaughter its inhabitants, he did carry off some to be slaves, and during that time Geiseric managed to capture Empress Licinia Eudoxia, Valentinian’s widow, and her daughters, Eudocia and Placidia as they tried to escape. udoxia and her children were the last of Rome’s imperial family. Eudocia would later marry Huneric. keep reading to find the list of weapons used by the Barbarians

Where did Scarecrows come from learning about the History of Scarecrows
