info about us

Welcome to Learn, know, search & find

learn, know, search, findINFO – Where to learn, know, search & find is the motto or title selected for our site because information is key to all great things in life and we think everyone deserves it! Now this has to be the best place to tell you about this site because you’re more than likely going to land here first like Neil Armstrong on the moon! So let’s just say we hope to provide some cool, fun and enjoyable information, articles and educational resources for kids and big kids known as adults or grown ups to some! We’ll have to include Products, videos, diagrams, pictures and prints and everything in this big world of ours. We’ll thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy clicking and surfing and investigating!


How Coins are made
The average person doesn’t really think too much about how their money is made. However, coin collectors and numismatists are very interested in the minting process. So, assuming you want to gain some interesting facts to surprise your friends with, you should learn more about how coins are made. Here are some key terms to remember
