Learning animals, endangered animals, wild animals & Pets

Learning animals, endangered animals, wild animals & Pets

Learning animalsLearning animals, Looking into the world of Animals including Pets, Wildlife, Creatures, endangered animals and wild animals. This area is for the animal lover or pet detective. Find some interesting topics and information about all the animals in the world.

With such a lot of topics, animals and creatures to cover we hope to add to this animal subject as often as possible. I guess being an animal lover makes me wan’t to explore pets and research about the different types including in the water and under the water, birds in the sky and also the endangered and perhaps even the undiscovered animals too.

Learn about Abalone shellfish, Abalone seafood
Abalone belong to the phylum Mollusca, a group which includes clams, scallops, sea slugs, octopuses and squid. Mollusks are world wide and predominantly marine. They have a soft body surrounded by a mantle, an anterior head and a large muscular foot. Mollusks are best known for their beautifully formed and colored calcareous shell secreted by the mantle. read more about Abalone


Types of PRIZE Fish in Australia | Salt Water fishing information

Types of PRIZE Fish in Australia Salt Water fishing information Barramundi PRIZE Fish in Australia These giant perch live in both fresh and saltwater in our tropical north including the Kimberley region in Western Australia, across the Northern Territory and northern Queensland. They can grow to lengths of 1.4 meters (over 55 inches) and weigh more… read more »

Learn about the most dangerous spider on Earth

The most dangerous spider on Earth There are 35 species of funnel web, a number of which are found along Australia’s eastern coast, from New South Wales to Queensland – however, only one holds the title of world’s deadliest spider. The Sydney funnel-web (Atrax robustus) is generally found in both suburbia and bushland in an… read more »

Facts about Dolphins
26 Interesting Facts about Dolphins

Fact Number 1
Dolphins have the longest memory in the entire animal kingdom

Fact Number 2
Just one-half of a dolphin’s brain goes to sleep at a time.

Fact Number 3
A dolphin’s inbuilt natural sonar or echolocation is rare in nature and is far superior to either the bat’s sonar or human-made sonar. read many more

The angry-looking deep sea anglerfish has a right to be cranky. It is quite possibly the ugliest animal on the planet, and it lives in what is easily Earth’s most inhospitable habitat: the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea.

23 Interesting facts about chimpanzees

Interesting facts about chimpanzees, hominid species of apes native to Africa. There has been hairless chimps, Chimpanzees are not monkeys

1- Chimpanzees have an odd way of walking because they do it on the knuckles of their hands.

2 – Although chimpanzees are primarily quadrupeds they walk read more

Huntsman spiders are known for their large size; they are big, long-legged spiders. Some male spiders of this species are so large that they achieve a leg span of 8-10 inches.

Huntsman spiders are generally grey or brown, and are sometimes found with banded legs. Many species of huntsman spiders have flattened bodies, possibly because they are adapted to live in narrow spaces, like in rock crevices and under loose bark.
