Red Dead Redemption 2 game information and gameplay video

Red Dead Redemption 2 game

The Old West comes alive in Red Dead Redemption 2 not solely through its environment, but through the characters the player interacts with; from brief encounters with travelers on the road, to Arthur’s weather-beaten gang compatriots, to the lawmen and last remaining rival gangs pursuing the gang who loom large over the proceedings. This is a world as beautiful as it is violent and unforgiving and Arthur is a product of it as much as the folk he encounters.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 goes beyond the open-world concept The game has ethereal panoramas, intense and ferocious gun battles and, again, its ability to convey the ruthlessness of true frontier life, even more so the fully interactive representation of the West.

The game centers on Arthur Morgan, an outlaw and a member of the Van der Linde gang in 1899, in the waning years of the American Old West and extinction of the age of outlaws and gunslingers. The player controls Morgan from a third-person perspective. The game features both single-player and online multiplayer components. Among returning characters are John Marston and Dutch Van der Linde, the protagonist and an antagonist from the previous game respectively.

The game will continue to use the Honor system from Red Dead Redemption, which based on how the player interacts with non-playable characters will affect how settlements, towns, and other groups will react towards Morgan.


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