Why Lake Hillier is Bubble Gum Pink

Lake Hillier is about 600 meters in length & about 250 meters wide the lake color is Bubble gum PINK.

Lake Hillier is a saline lake on the edge of Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago in the Goldfields-Esperance region, off the south coast of Western Australia. It is particularly notable for its pink color. A long and thin shore divides the Southern Ocean from the lake.’

Lake Hillier

The lake is surrounded by a rim of sand and a dense woodland of paperbark and eucalyptus trees

The only living organisms in Lake Hillier are microorganisms including Dunaliella salina, which causes the salt content in the lake to create a red dye which helps produce the color, as well as red halophilic bacteria present in the salt crusts. Despite the unusual hue, the lake exhibits no known adverse effects upon humans. From above, the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink, but from the shoreline it appears more of a clear pink hue. The shoreline is also covered in salt crust deposits.

Despite the high salt content levels (comparable to those of the Dead Sea), Lake Hillier is safe to swim in. However, there are very few ways to reach Lake Hillier. Aeroplane scenic flights are the most common method, with 6 flights a day departing Esperance Airport, flying over Lake Hillier via the nearby Cape Le Grand National Park. Cruises are also an option for passengers wanting to visit the isolated lake, and surrounding forest area.

Lake Hillier, Lake, Bubble Gum Pink, Bubble Gum, Pink

Why is it Pink

The reason of its unique color is still a topic that is not fully understood by scientists, although most suspect it has to do with the presence of the Dunaliella salina microalgae. The Dunaliella produces carotenoids, a pigment found in carrots as well.

The Hillier Lake was first discovered in 1802 by navigator and cartographer Matthew Flinders who took samples from the lake and mentioned its existence in his journal.

Lake Hillier Facts

Lake Hillier, Lake, Bubble Gum, Pink

• Lake Hillier is not the only pink lake in the world, for that matter, it is not even the only pink lake in Australia.

• Geographic coordinates: 34°5′45″S 123°12′10″E

• For a period of six years, in the early 20th century, salt was mined from the lake, but it is not anymore.


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